Avatar focuses more on experiential learning rather than rote learning right from kindergarten. It helps the child to connect the kid with the authentic world.,.

To emphasize the habit of healthy eating right from childhood, KG kids observed green day on which the significance of eating vegetables is manifested to the kids by preparing vegetable salads by themselves.
Traditional Festival Celebration
To assert the concept of unity and diversity in India students celebrated the harvest and cultural festival of kerala ‘The onam’.The kids were in ethnic dresses and the pedagogues’s of Avatar explained about the different harvest festivals in India. To inculcate the moral values through mythological stories students where televised with the story of Lord Krishna and Lord Ganesha.
On the day of Krishna Jayanthi KG kids embellished themselves as krishna and Radha’s.

Avatar focuses more on active learning rather then passive form of learning. To provide an optimum learning environment. The KG teachers conducted touch and feel activity to differentiate hot and cold objects and many more concepts.
To encourage co-operation, sharing and turn taking process in kids, our teachers facilitated role play among the kids for which each kid adorned themselves as a community helper and spoke a few sentences about it.

To enhance their critical thinking skills and experience things practically ‘Our KG kids were taken to an eco-friendly , non-polluting place ‘The Isha yoga’
To make the child more inquisitive and to display their mental strength, stamina and fortitude. Avatar conducts many competitions like solo singing, dance, speech competitions. Talent hunt, handwriting competition and rhymes competition.

To help the children explore their hidden sports interests to build confidence and a desire to learn new things by watching their peers. Avatar public school conducted many events such as Running. Target throw, Object gathering, Balancing bike race etc.