Middle School:
Middle school is the stepping stone to develop their social, emotional and interpersonal skills. Avatar encourages the students to explore a variety of subjects and electives in order to build knowledge and confidence in their abilities.
Unique Features of Our Curriculum at Middle Level
● The emphasis is on acquiring in-depth conceptual knowledge.
● The curriculum is research oriented and based on teamwork vis-à-vis discussions, group project work, discovery and exploration.
● Personality development is enhanced through various activities designed and conducted for the students.
● Value education and Adolescent issues are dealt with sensitivity.
● Coping with peer pressure is stressed upon at this stage.

To assist the students meet the standards we set for them and develop their competence skill gradually Avatar perpetuates the LSRW skills in students through handwriting development, monthly wise reports on child’s development and providing special training on speaking skills.
The pedagogue’s of Avatar are well trained with Learner-Centered teaching which involves students in solving problems formulate questions of their own,discuss,explain or debate during class.The subjects are delivered using demonstration method,taking the students to a garden visit.

All the classes are equipped with IFP and smart classes with which students experience the topic visually which helps all types of learners to attain the knowledge.
To bolster the students to develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, communication and collaborative abilities and also to explore their interest, passions and talents Avatar conducts various CCA activities as an isochronal process every week. It includes speech, solo dance, solo song, group song, talent hunt, decorating notice boards, designing greeting card, handwriting, drawing, art and craft ,etc.

To make aware of each other’s traditions and to enhance the cultural belief, Avatar encourages of National as well as cultural festivals such as Onam, Vinayagar Chathurthi, Krishna Jayanthi, Deepavali, Pongal ,Dussehra, Independence day and Republic day.